Travel card

Travel money card showdown: Xinja vs Up Bank vs…

It’s one thing to be a shiny, young neobank in Australia. But what happens when we take our upstarts out of their comfort zone?...
Prashant Rajkhowa
4 min read

Xinja prepaid card – App review

The Xinja prepaid card is Xinja’s first banking product. Their main selling point is that they don’t charge overseas ATM fees and refund the...
Prashant Rajkhowa
1 min read

Signing up for Pelikin’s waitlist – A first impression

My signing up for Pelikin almost did not happen because it doesn’t look like they want to be a neobank. It’s more of an...
Prashant Rajkhowa
1 min read

Signing up for Xinja – A first impression

Signing up for Xinja was a mixed bag. I started thinking it was going to be a waitlist, like the others. Then found out...
Prashant Rajkhowa
1 min read